Planning for the Unexpected
Life Insurance. Mortgage Insurance. Mortgage Protection Plan. Life and Disability Insurance. It’s called so many things, but I prefer to call it your Mortgage Plan. What is your plan for when things don’t go as planned? Do you even have a plan? If the recent events of Covid-19 have taught us anything, it’s that everyone needs a plan.
When the topic of Insurance comes up, over the years I have heard a variety of answers but there is a common thread. It’s one of avoidance and discomfort. I have it through work, I don’t need it, it’s too expensive, we’ll shop around.
But, the reality is - more often than not, people don’t know what they have through work, and they don’t shop around. Depending on their circumstances they may or may not even need coverage. I can help find the answers to these questions with you. Everyone’s circumstances are unique and everyone deserves the courtesy of a candid conversation around insurance.
I am that person who will ask you these questions. Before I sign you up for the biggest debt of your life, I will prompt you to evaluate your circumstances and run through the scenarios with you.
“If you couldn’t work for 3 months, would you still be able to make your mortgage payments?”
“If your spouse died, would you be forced to sell your house because their income was vital to making that payment?”
These are the things that should be discussed before you you sign on the dotted line for your mortgage. I would be doing you a disservice by ignoring these important parts of your Mortgage Plan. Nobody plans to be disabled, or to get cancer, or to lose their job or have an accident – we all know someone with one of these sad stories if we haven’t experienced it ourselves first hand.
I can connect you with the right person and the right product that is tailored to your unique situation. The options are endless when it come to insurance coverage, whether it be for loss of life, term insurance, disability or critical illness, we can work together to compliment your existing coverage. I am passionate about making sure my clients are protected and have a plan in place.
“Leslie Denko was amazing! She got me a great rate during this pandemic. I really appreciated her laying out all the steps I needed to get things done. I would recommend her highly to anyone looking to buy a place.”